

Long time no see.

I went to Nakano MANDARAKE last year.

Used manga shop
Used manga shop in MANDARAKE.

Nakano MANDARAKE is OTAKU shopping mall.
That is consist principally of OTAKU junk shop.
Used mangas, figures, games, dressing-up clothes, cards, celluloid pictures, and cosplay cafe.

Card game shop
Card game shop.

Celluloid picture shop
Celluloid picture shop.

Figure shop
Figure shop.

This is my war trophy!

War trophy

This left manga is "THE TOP SECRET" of Reiko Shimizu.
This right manga is perfect selection series of Moto Hagio.
Moto Hagio is my god!
Post card in near side is "CONAN, THE BOY IN FUTURE".
This backward is figures.
Zaku MS-06S(Gundam), Nurikabe(Kitaro), and Tachikoma(GHOST IN THE SHELL).

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